Your support has already helped us bring our first-ever English translation of MAKLENA to UK audiences and to Ukraine!

If you would still like to allow us to keep our Night Train steaming, click on the link below, and become a sponsor:

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We are very grateful for our sponsors, for having helped us make our trip to Ukraine possible and for supporting our company:

Ronna Bach - Romain Becker - Olga Biba - Lena Bovay - Juliette Chatinières - Xavier des Garets - Nigel Gazzard - Hélène Goble - Clémence Grandchamp - Michael Greenwald - Natalie Jaresko - Elisa Kahn - Joel Mackler - Posey Mehta - Ray Montague - Sean O'Connor - Kitty Parker - Brooks Luba - Shephard Artem - Shevalev Constance - Uzwyshyn - Paul Watkins - Ursula Woolley

Spread the Word

Even if you can’t donate at this time, there are still ways to show your support.

Talking about our work on social media increases the visibility of our projects and keeps our Night Train on track!

Dr Rory Finnin, Head of Slavonic Studies and Director of the Ukrainian Studies Programme at the University of Cambridge talks about Maklena and why he is a proud supporter of Night Train’s work